If you’re a repeat visitor to this website, you might have noticed that I have a few running threads. I make use of the Categories to “file away” posts in an appropriate area but I also link back to previous posts when appropriate and I have started sending Trackback pings to those posts so that people starting from the earlier post can continue the topic. A very recent example has been my look at various RSS newsfeed aggregators. (Well, to actually focus mostly on PulpFiction.) Even though I have Movable Type set to automatically ping posts that I link to on other servers, tt would not do it on my own. I would have to manually enter each of them.
No longer. Here’s how you turn on automatic trackback pinging to your own posts on your own server:
In the directory that you installed Movable Type on your webserver, open the file lib/MT/Entry.pm in a text editor. Find the line:
next if $url =~ /^$archive_url/;
and comment it out. It should look like this:
# next if $url =~ /^$archive_url/;
Save the file and you’re done. Now whenever you add a link to a previous post on your own website, it will “auto-discover” the post (as they call it in the preferences) and send a trackback ping.
A huge “Thank You!” goes out to Phil Ringnalda for answering this question for me in the Movable Type Support Forums.