Yesterday was my friend’s 30th birthday and in celebration her husband rented out the patio behind Warszawa, a Polish restaurant in Santa Monica. I’ve never had “fancy” pierogis before. I born outside of Detroit and lived there through my early childhood years, and I went to college in Chicago. I have had plenty of Polish influence and cuisine in my life over the years but this is the first time I have encountered the trendy, hipster Polish spot. It was very nice.
In fact they were nice enough to allow David to bring in CDs to play for the event and they even had a large screen and a projector so episodes of the Linda Carter “Wonder Woman” TV show played throughout much of the night.
I caught up with my friend Jim who I haven’t seen in probably a year—we usually see each other at parties that David throws since he and Jim went to school together. I knew that Jim worked for several years with the writers on “Crossing Jordan”. That show is shot on the Universal lot and I knew that they had their editing rooms on the second floor of the building I was in when our editorial was set up there. What I didn’t realize was that all the offices for “Crossing Jordan” were up there. In the couple of months that I was in that building, walking in and out of the same front doors, I never once ran into Jim. Now I wish I had gone up to check out their offices.
The good news is that Jim has just this week started a new job as a full-fledged writer on “The Dead Zone”. I was so glad about hear that. I know that he was working for years hoping that someone would eventually give him the chance and now he finally has it.