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Band Info
The Donnas are a rock 'n' roll band in the classic sense. Party anthems fill their repertoire which is rounded out by covers of AC/DC, KISS, Alice Cooper, Mtley Crže, and Sweet. Many have compared them to The Runaways and The Ramones--a comparison that definitely has some basis in fact--but the band transcends this category. The Donnas were started when Darin Raffaelli (ex-Supercharger) asked them to record some songs, which he wrote, under the now famous name. But the band had its roots several years earlier in a band called Ragady Anne that they formed for a Junior High battle of the bands. Later they changed their sound and name to the Electrocutes. In fact it was then that they were approached by Darin. For a time the two bands existed concurrently in a kind of Jekyl and Hyde relationship--the bad-girl speedmetal band Electrocutes who made fun of their bubble-gummy counterparts, The Donnas. Eventually they put away their Electrocutes identity to live out their existence as The Donnas, but their sound has inherited a bit of the hardness of their alter-ego. They have already appeared in their first movie, Jawbreaker, with Rose McGowan and Rebecca Gayheart, and they have another one scheduled to be released October 1, Next To You, with Melissa Joan Hart. Their latest album, Get Skintight, was released in June on Lookout! Records and has already received much critical acclaim from leading music publications like Rolling Stone and Spin. Look for them next on the soundtrack to Detroit Rock City with a cover of "Strutter". The soundtrack will be out August 3 and the movie will hit theaters on August 13.
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