Brave New Robotic World
By Shorty LaBrea

Both Good and Evil take a
moment to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee.
From the title sequence of Michael Crichton's Runaway, you
would swear that you are about to spend the next hour and a half
with the bastard child of Tron and Blade Runner. Using
a blend of pornographically close shots ofelectronic "guts," lots
of "state-of-art" (for 1984) computer graphics, and a title font
straight out of the Star Trek movies, this appears to be
another vision of the technological wonderment of the future. What
Crichton gives us, however, is a sci-fi future that is not that
different from the present along with the lesson that technology
is not all that it is cracked up to be.
Magnum, P.I. runs around as a future cop specializing in shutting-down
rampaging robots (Blade Runner, anyone?) and handing out
philosophic worldviews verging on Ludditism. "Let me tell you the
way the world is: Nothing works right. Relationships don't work
right. People don't work right. People make machines so why should
machines be perfect?" He is backed up by appearances from Kirstie
Alley, Stan Shaw, and G.W. Bailey. (Hey, when is that long-awaited
Police Academy 8: We're Milking This To The Bitter End ever
going to come out?) Gene Simmons, blood-spitting bass player for
KISS, plays Luther the evil genius who is using robots and "smart"
bullets to carry out his nefarious plans, and is probably the best
reason to pick up this movie. He does a great job as the bad guy
rating very high on my Creep-Out Meter with his penetrating stares.
We take our robots very seriously around the RTC office, and Runaway
is no disappointment. The robots in this movie are a little more
2XL and a little less Leon, but the fact that they seem so realistic
is what makes it enjoyable. Let's face it, no one really expects
Pris to be cleaning their house. Instead Crichton presents us with
a world populated with little boxes on wheels that have electronic
voices, grasping claws and wide variety of sensors. These are the
same "servants of the future" that were presented to us years ago
in those Bugs Bunny cartoons where the mice get into the "House
of Tomorrow" and start breaking things so the robot-guy with the
broom has to go around and sweep everything up.
Of course it would not be a Hollywood film if there were not at
least one point where we scratched our head. What's up with directors
casting their wives (or future wives) as hookers? Is it just me
or does this trend tell us something about these people? That hooker
at the bar in the scene where Luther is trying to settle his arms
deal is none other that the future Mrs. Crichton, Anne-Marie Martin.
(Yes, that hooker DID write Twister. Oh boy, somebody find
my Pepto. Quick!) Need another example? How about Monica Devereux
as the teenage-runaway hooker in Adventures In Babysitting
who just happens to be married to the director, Chris Columbus?
One more thing, (you're not in the clear yet, Mr. Crichton) lose
the two-minute, fifteen-second Selleck/Rhodes make-out scene with
sparks flying (literally) at the end. (Yes, it IS 2:15. I timed
it.) If you want the heroes to hook-up at the end, fine. I'll not
be the one to stop conventions but I might protest loudly. But over
TWO minutes! AND sparks! AND cheesy music! I don't care if the credits
are crawling over this shot. My skin is starting to crawl. No wonder
people are going to leave the theater, or shut off the VCR thinking
this movie sucked.
On the Crichton directorial scale, Westworld is the best
you are probably ever going to get out of this guy, while The
13th Warrior (oh yes, he took over after John McTiernan left)
is so bad that it'll probably damage your brain upon viewing. Following
these guidelines, Runaway approximates Coma-level
(the movie, not a reflection on any kind of vegetative state this
might induce). Though for me, Looker, holds a special place
in my heart. It's probably just because of Susan Dey. "I think I
love you, so what are you so afraid of." Michael Crichton definitely
isn't the best director out there, but he can usually be counted
on to bring you a consistently enjoyable film. (The 13th Warrior,